there. she tried to sell it. i think this time next year she is out pedaling the yet to be named book of hers. she is still coiling. doing what she did there. side stepping the question and, you know, i think at this point not to go out on a limb here, i think she probably runs for president. i also think, though, that by the end of the year, vice president joe biden who still really wants to run for president for the 17th time. i think he probably says something about hillary clinton for which he has to apologize. he probably won t call it clean. he will say something, ah, it s not really what i meant a. if you can broaden that. i think it goes somewhere in eastern i, what central iowa. places that didn t do too well in 2007, maybe a pizza ranch. she will probably spend time in greenville, south carolina. she does border towns, like a one stop shop.