[cheering] [cheering] oh my gosh. Wow, you need no introduction but how is the house doing tonight. [cheering] i am so excited to be here. I am excited. She cannot outdo me in excitement. This is a woman who wants to fly in space. [cheering] thank you. My name is amanda when and i am foremost an activist, im a rape survivor and i am so thrilled to be here and ms. Gloria i would not be wearing them today without you. [cheering] this is a woman who used her experience to help others and achieve legislation that has helped us. [cheering] i did not expect this in return. Its women helping women. [cheering] a little housekeeping im so glad to welcome you all to the book club and Book Discussion series. For this evening performance this basis providing realtime caption for hearing impaired audience members and individual smartphones and tablets those of you using cart, please turn off the sound on your mobile device and for all others please turn off all electronic devices. I just want to st