them an ally. in part because 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from saudi arabia. and i don t think the way they ve conducted themselves has proven to show that they are an ally. they ve lied through this whole 17-day period of time, and there s no reference made to bone saws or acid wash. and that s what they did to a journalist. yeah. and our government and our president has tried to read from their script and suggest that they were rogue actors who did this. i mean, it s really shameful. you know, back when we had what s his name? prince bandar, he was one of the social lights. one of the guys like this new crown prince, that hung out with liz taylor and pretended to be westernized in some sense, he i told him once we think you got a gig going over there in saudi
congress to recalibrate our relationship with saudi arabia. i kind of bristle at calling them an ally. in part because 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from saudi arabia. and i don t think the way they ve conducted themselves has proven to show that they are an ally. they ve lied through this whole 17-day period of time, and there s no reference made to bone saws or acid wash. and that s what they did to a journalist. yeah. and our government and our president has tried to read from their script and suggest that they were rogue actors who did this. i mean, it s really shameful. you know, back when we had what s his name is prince bandar is he was the socialite. one of the guys like this new crown prince, that hung out with liz taylor and pretended to be westernized in some sense, he i told him once we think you got a gig going over there in saudi
are americans and american journalist and they have not been called in, even to do simple liaison with the saudis. that s what we re hearing so far. so i can t take seriously any comments that the white house is giving out that we re looking deeply at this and taking this gravely seriously. i don t see that happening. go ahead, eugene. unbelievable. just unbelievable that the president really cares so little about this horrific murder. and, you know, he has gone all in on saudi arabia. the difficult relationship for any president to manage because of the saudis and the way they act. but he s gone in further. he s put all the chips, thanks to jared kushner with his advice on the saudis and what is he going to do now? yeah. it s horrific. it really is. to think they were just going to interrogate him but happened to show up with bonesaws and they cut the man s body apart while he was alive and mike pompeo is
sort of thing is part of that. it seems as if they won t be able to do that entirely because this episode is so horrific and so baroque and so horrible that the world i think there s physical repull shon that people are feeling. to your point saudi arabia has been involved in what is essentially a humanitarian disaster in yemen and we have been utterly comfortable saudi arabia has never been so we re comfortable with that. this obviously hits at a more visceral level because, first of all, it s one of our own bone saws. it s basically a murder plot. you know that there s russians sitting somewhere going it took 15 guys with a bone saw to do this? we do with this with two guys in a park. if this is all true, they killed the guy in the one place where they had no deniability. it s unbelievable in so many ways. our friend richard haass, counsel on foreign relations tweeted about the old trust but verify reagan doctrine.
the world. so it is getting more dangerous by the day for journalists across the world and now apparently even journalists who work for the washington post now have to worry about governments like saudi arabia abducting them, killing them, and cutting them up with bone saws. look, this is vintage trump, sewing doubt,.propping up dictators, and people who are clearly on the side of wrong. look at him in the face of this, accusations that every day point more to what happened. and he s so in doubt and protecting them and saying maybe it could have been this or maybe it could have been that. he is showing extreme naivety on the world stage and it makes him look like a weak leader. he does look so weak and so