What it will take for the stocks to shift gears. And a problem with oil. Extending oil cuts through the end of the year. From new york, im alix steel with guy johnson. Welcome to Bloomberg Markets. It has been a pleasure. You look great. It is nice to see you back. We missed you. Guy i am back from greece where it is raining and very hot now in london. I feel like i am doing something right. Alix you made it through the strikes. Guy i made it. I think the story with strikes around the auto sector and with the airline sector, i think they are synonymous. These are industries that have pushed back really hard on their staff over a number of years and they are now paying the price. We have data coming in. We have got the ecb coming up next week. 2. 1 out of the states. Durable goods 5. 2 . That is right in line with expectations. Extransport coming up at 0. 4 . The durable goods numbers are in line. The factory numbers look good as well. I do not think the market will react much. The oil
Go ahead and call your next item. Item 3 is communications and i understand that the chair has something chair Mohammed Nuru so i think that everyone is mourning the passing of the mayor in the last few days and i know that for me its been difficult because he was not only a boss but a close friend of mine, but more importantly he was a champion of this project. When i joined the board there were a lot of financial needs and concerns and trying to make sure that we got the project to the way that it is now and we were able to finish it and through his leadership, really stepped up and did everything on behalf of the city. To make sure that the city could do its part. Of recent, i mean, weve had closed discussions about the asidelinement and what should alignment and what would happen with phase two and i think that we should take a moment of silence to mourn him. Thank you. Clerk well move into the next item on the agenda. Board of directors new business. Seeing none, next item is item
Will call to order the Board Meeting for the Transbay Joint Powers Authority for thursday, december 14th, 2017. Clerk well have roll call. Director harper. And director kim is expected. And director reiskin. And director sartipi. And chair nuru. Present. Clerk mr. Chairman, you have a quorum. Go ahead and call your next item. Item 3 is communications and i understand that the chair has something chair Mohammed Nuru so i think that everyone is mourning the passing of the mayor in the last few days and i know that for me its been difficult because he was not only a boss but a close friend of mine, but more importantly he was a champion of this project. When i joined the board there were a lot of financial needs and concerns and trying to make sure that we got the project to the way that it is now and we were able to finish it and through his leadership, really stepped up and did everything on behalf of the city. To make sure that the city could do its part. Of recent, i mean, weve had cl
Id like to have a moment of silence for mayor lee. I was shocked to hear that he passed away. I personally loved mayor lee, his wife, anita, and his two daughters. The last time i talked to mayor lee, it was not a very nice conversation. But id like to have a moment of silence for mayor lee, and for that little 8yearold boy, gabriel, who has murdered by his father because he thought he was gay. So, moment of silence, please. Thank you. Miss canada, and i have a picture, if you can show it on the overboard, please, 100yearold woman lived right across the street from ms. Breed. In my opinion, was taken with a noose from her house and she died. But after she died, she was left in a cold freezer for one month because the family couldnt afford to get her out of storage to bury her. Thats the legacy of lee and breed. No way. Clerk thank you for your Public Comment. Madam president . Next speaker, please. Um, i guess my condolences to the family for ed lees passing. I guess were talking about
The passing of the mayor in the last few days and i know that for me its been difficult because he was not only a boss but a close friend of mine, but more importantly he was a champion of this project. When i joined the board there were a lot of financial needs and concerns and trying to make sure that we got the project to the way that it is now and we were able to finish it and through his leadership, really stepped up and did everything on behalf of the city. To make sure that the city could do its part. Of recent, i mean, weve had closed discussions about the asidelinement and what should alignment and what would happen with phase two and i think that we should take a moment of silence to mourn him. Thank you. Clerk well move into the next item on the agenda. Board of directors new business. Seeing none, next item is item 5, the executive directors report. Good morning, directors and id like to talk to the board today and by offering deep condolences on behalf of the tjpa staff fo