Bond Revoked for Charged Leader of White Supremacist Group The BaseContact: Lynsey Mukomel 517-599-2746Agency: Attorney General
May 6, 2021
LANSING - Bond has been revoked pending a bond hearing for the self-proclaimed leader of The Base - a national white supremacist group with violent inclinations - after the Court agreed with the Department s findings that the defendant was not adhering to bond conditions, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced today.
unlawful posting of a message, a two-year felony and/or a $5,000 fine; and
using computers to commit a crime, a four-year felony and/or $5,000 fine.
A fourth charge for Watkins was added in Huron County Feb. 4 for possession of analogue drugs, specifically steroids.
LISBON A Ravenna man facing several charges, including aggravated vehicular homicide and assault charges following a traffic crash in 2018, was taken into custody during a status conference in Common Pleas Court Friday.
Judge Megan Bickerton chastised Justin W. Stalnaker, 42, after calling his Covid-19 excuse for missing a hearing on Monday “a fabricated document” and “an insult to the court.” Bickerton said the document he had presented as his proof of being tested for Covid-19 was something that can be easily found and printed from the internet.
“I have no patience for a person who would use Covid, a pandemic that has killed people in our country by the thousands, the hundreds of thousands, as an excuse for you not to come to court,” Bickerton said. “I will not tolerate it. That is disgusting to me. It is not a joke.”