fans are hoping for another surprises, like taylor s version album releases and after last night a talk of whether travis kelce will pop up on stage again. that is all well and good. but more ian rad nick for me. thank you for letting us end on that happy note. deadline: white house starts right now. howdy friends. aloha and namaste. it is 4:00 p.m. in new york city. i m john heilemann in for nicolle wallace. we re t minus 72 hours and change away from the spectacle of sitting american presidents debating a former american president, the latter of whom just to spice things up, also happened to be a 43 four time criminal, a scoff law, with 34 scarlet f s across his wrap sheet. if donald trump gets his way, the first and maybe only presidential debate of 2024 this thursday in atlanta will be less lincoln douglas or even krend nixon than randy savage versus ricky the dragon steamboat. those are wrestlers for the record. the chain of events that led president biden to fa
শেয়ারবাজার ডেস্ক: পুঁজিবাজারের তালিকাভুক্ত বাংলাদেশ এক্সপোর্ট-ইমপোর্ট কোম্পানি লিমিটেড (বেক্সিমকো লিমিটেড) এর প্রস্তাবিত সুকুক বন্ড বা ইসলামী শরীয়াহসম্মত