Editor December 22, 2020 comments off
At least 50 people were caught in Nyabihu District after they were found in bars drinking illicit brew.
This was during inspection and operations on compliance with COVID-19 directives conducted jointly by the Police and local authorities in Jenda Sector, on December 19-20.
They were arrested in two separate bars owned by Emmanuel Kubwimana, 45, and Felix Niyoyita, 32 located in Nyirakigugu and Kabatezi cells, respectively.
Some of the violators turned violent in the process as the Police and local authorities were enforcing the directives.
Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) Bonavanture Twizere Karekezi said that on December 19, as the Police and local leaders were carrying out inspection on COVID-19 prevention compliance in Jenda, Nyirakigugu cell, they found 43 people drinking in the bar owned by Kubwimana.