The Chanchal Chowdhury starrer television series, “Pita Bonam Putro Gong” has been running for a long time on Maasranga Television. Today (Sunday), the 200th episode of the project will be aired.
In the arena of showbiz, new and upcoming talent are always looking for opportunities to prove their potential. However, since the level of competition in this industry is high, the probability of gaining recognition and acceptance is equally lower.
Having started his career with theatre, Chanchal Chowdhury has won over both the television and film industries with his charming presence. After his tremendous performance in Monpura, there was no looking back for the actor. Recently, his brilliant performances in “Hawa” and “Karagar” took the country by storm.
Dibbyojyoti and Soumyojyoti are twin brothers who have worked in the television industry since they were children. They are the sons of celebrity couple Brindaban Das and Shahnaz Khushi.