Dedication and Wreath Laying Ceremony Held at Gaurav Stambh Victory at Sea Monument at WNC Mumbai
Dedication and Wreath Laying Ceremony Held at Gaurav Stambh Victory at Sea Monument at WNC Mumbai
Starting the Golden Jubilee year of India s historic victory in the 1971 Indo- Pak War, Swarnim Vijay Varsh , celebrations, Vice Admiral Ajit Kumar, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Naval Command dedicated the Gaurav Stambh , a monument to commemorate Victory at Sea and a tribute to the grit, valour and fortitude of all deployed personnel of the Western Naval Command
Set against the ramparts of Bombay Castle in the Naval Dockyard, Mumbai the monument depicts a submariner, a surface warrior and a naval aviator to represent all three dimensions of the Indian Navy and is inscribed with a sanskrit shloka from the Bhagwad Gita Chapter 18 verse 43 extolling the virtues of a warrior.