together with isis and taking over part of the towns that isis conquers as it moves on. it s easy to say if you are john mccain or somebody else, bomb isis. that s not the issue. this is a real sectarian civil war. if that s the case it changes your options. the president didn t come out today. i don t think he could politically, and say this is a vexing issue. we have two sides. it s not just good versus bad. what s our agenda? we have a couple of strategic interests. he didn t define that. let me go to you. from the beginning of the war, my skepticism was if you go into a country you have a lot of influence while you are there. when you come out it begins to be the country it was before you went in. that s common sense. it was ruled by the sunnis for 300 years. we knocked them out of power. didn t we know the minute we left they would try to come back? they are coming back with isis leading the fight. . isn t it obvious they thought they should have been running the country whe
baghdad? here we are 12 years later facing the backwash of the war, president bush, dick cheney and ideological cohorts began in march of 2003. all those sunnis that were thrown into the streets when we came in. overthrew saddam, disbanded the iraqi army and government. those are all now rooting for isis as it fights its way to baghdad, all the angry hearts who have a motive for killing and letting others kill are hoping for an overthrow of the maliki government. what made us think that the killing we started in march of 2003 would end when we decided to leave? what instilled in u.s. the confidence that the families of all those dead arabs would not remember who caused it and pine for someone who would repay it? you go into a country, kill anyone who stands in your way, you set up a system that puts one side in power over the other, you kick out the people who have been running the country for 300 years, rip the uniforms from the army and send them running, throw people from their gov
the situation on the ground requires it. it is not the place for the united states to choose iraq s leader. it is clear that only leaders who can govern with an inclusive agenda can truly bring the iraqi people together and help them through this crisis. after listening to the president and i generally support the president and i m generally with him in terms of restraint. i m not sure he showed restraint. why are we going over there and picking out bombing targets? why are we bringing in aides with no preconditions about changing the nature of the war? he tried to straddle the line because he feels pressure mainly from the right about do something screw them. i m with you. what he the didn t do was accurately describe the crisis. this is not malaki versus isil or isis, this band of people too extreme for al qaeda. it s a growing sunni coalition
rid of one and another. all politics is local. his constituency is more fired up and radical in response to the evolving sunni attack. to ask him in the middle of it to say, now you should be embracing the sunnis when your people are running the battlefield to fight them. he s been corrupt are from the beginning. david, we are symbiotic on this. in two weeks will we be more involved, sietding with the malaki government against the insurgency of isis? is i think a week from now we it will be more of saia civil war. will we be in it? i think the president doesn t want to get into it. if there is a way to target isis, fine but they are hard to separate. is the president going for air strikes eventually?
last week john mccain got on the senate floor and gave a speech about how everyone on the national security team of the president should be fired immediately. what was the big idea? we should call david pe tray us and ask what to do. lindsey graham on a sunday show, the one that s on oh earliest before meet the press, he said we have to go in an and bomb isis. then go to syria and get involved militarily there. are we going to shoot everybody? yes. start with bomb isis. sounds great. bomb the crazy people. they happen to be in the middle of civilian populations. there is no neat way the to bomb them and not civilians and turn the there is no frenchen man on the ground saying over here, over there. no targeter. how can we engage with a partner like the malaki government we can t trust.