Last week was a great week to be out birding. Some of the highlights included two swallow-tailed kites, several yellow-throated warblers, several hooded warblers, and two Kentucky warblers.
At Suffolk County, a cattle egret at Eastport Park in Boston, a lingering Iceland gull at Deer Island, a willow flycatcher and a black-billed cuckoo at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, two yellow-bellied sapsuckers at The Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, three white-crowned sparrows at Belle Isle Marsh Reservation in East Boston, a white-crowned sparrow at Arnold Arboretum, three broad-winged hawks soaring over Franklin Park and two ring-necked ducks at Chestnut Hill Reservoir.
At Suffolk County, several red phalaropes and an Iceland gull at Deer Island and Winthrop Beach, and lingering dark-eyed juncos at Franklin Park and the Jamaica Pond area.
At Suffolk County, a redhead and nine common mergansers at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, an Iceland gull at Revere Beach, and single Louisiana waterthrushes at Stony Brook Reservation and the Roslindale urban wild, located to the east of the Arnold Arboretum.