unabashedly racist. the goal is simple. a leveling of the old america in order to create something new, a new order that gives them all the money and all the power. most people won t voluntarily choose a lower standard of living in less freedom, the left knows this radical change must be forced on the people. this is being done through fake emergencies, phony self generated crises. they cite climate change to justify the rapid phaseout of gas powered cars and the banning of gas appliances and the cancellation of permit leases for oil drilling. they cite a systemic racism to justify their new twisted school curricula and their dei dictated corporate hiring practices. they point to amorphous domestic threats to justify partnering with social media giants to moderate online content which of course just means banning opposing political views.
mostly, but it s the opposite of the traditional american system. in the old america, every 16 was considered equal under the law as well as the eyes of god. everybody had to follow the same rules because nobody underneath it all was more important than anyone else. we were all citizens. citizens is a term you rarely here anymore. citizenship implies inherent rights, rights that politicians can t take from you, because you were born with them. the people running our country do not acknowledge this. they do not believe in inherent rights nor do they believe in equality. you may remember how hysterical they became a couple years ago when a few old-fashioned souls dared to say that all lives matter, which they certainly do. the people in charge hated that. they don t think that all lives matter. in their view, some animals are more equal than others. it s hard to think of a news story in recent memory that illustrates this phenomenon as clearly as what s happening on
poor countries, the countries from which most of our immigrants come. burat the opposite ofe of the traditional american tystem, which was imperfec egalitarianism in the old america. every citizen, citizen t is considered equal under the law as well as in the eyes s of god . everybody had to follow u the same rules because nobody underneath it alhl wasal more important than anyone else. we were all. citizens. citizens is a term youimplie rarely hear anymore. citizenship implies inherentrigs rights, rights that politicians cannot under any circumstances take from you. can t tabecause they did not bew them in the first place. you were bor cn with them, buto. the people running our country are acknowledge this. they do not believe ino they inherent right bs, nor do they believe in equality. you may remember how hysterical they became a couple of yearsda ago when a few old fashionedtole souls dared to say that alle pe lives matter, which they certainly dge ho. the people in charge ha
0 casino in hollywood, california. tickets are going fast. foxnation.com/patriotswards. special events you can sign up for with your favorite fox news personalities. this is the event you don t want to miss. i don t want to miss you tomorrow morning on fox and friends. be there. now time for tucker. our time is done. . tucker: we have learned about the people who make the rules, it s that they have no intention of following them, any of them ever. ever. they command you to wear a mask as you jog alone in the park while they head to dinner barefaced at the french laundry. that happened. they fly to aspen on their private jets and harangue you about your lawn mower. how many have voted to expand the powers of the irs that don t pay their own taxes? more than a few. how many politicians who support gun control from armed bodyguards that you pay for? every single one. whatever they demand, be dead certain they re not doing it themselves. it enrages people. people say this is hypocris
overwhelmingly fraudulent what was done to the american people. you were t at the receiving end of a lot of the campaigns of i colonization and it s still happening toont many of the peoe all of us know across the country to doctors and health care professionals who are being harassed and penalized for being right. dr. mcculloh, it is true americans and physicians like myself have progressively lost their confidence in the multibillion dollar agencyhe from these erraticse yet dictatorial recommendation on contagious control, vaccinationda and the lack of nt only data transparency but data analysis. a the cdc and fda old america,we a monthlyd data analysis on safety of the vaccines they should haven had external day safety monitoring board is in place. they should have externalld h oversight in multiple aspectse of the agency and i completely