the stakes not about drugs per se, but about the ability of ordinary colombians to live without fear. we land in the jungle outpost of miraflores in the southern province in the amazonian forest reserve. the heavy presence of army and special police is a result of its strategic location and recent history as a one-time center of coca production. farmers here would grow the stuff and make leaves into past. traffickers would come and buy it. the farc had this area under its sphere of influence for years. nine years ago, the government moved to expel the farc, the traffickers and any paramilitaries, with apparently much success. overnight, however, its
you re right. sorry. mm-mmm. now, do you cure this first in salt, or no! dry it? salt it? how? no. just fresh? yes. delicious. you would never get this off your menu. you ll have to keep it on your menu forever, right? forever. oh, the best part. mama didn t raise no fool. santiago de cali, or just cali, as people call it in these piece, is a city in the southwest of colombia known for its proximity to the pacific coast and its semi-tropical
you can t ask for better scenery. it s beautiful here. a beer. i need the anesthetic qualities of the local fire water. that s probably a really good idea. that s going to be a good start for tonight. a good start? i m done. oh, man. that dog has the right idea. see, i d be very happy if that was me right now. just like laying down in the sand with my chin out like that. man, it s so beautiful here. who comes here? basically tourists from colombia and a lot of backpackers that are making their way up to the north. right. but i mean, we saw one tourist all day. it s nice, really, it s completely off the grid. this used to be a fisherman village. there are definitely worse places to eat seafood than beachside in a fishing village, and the strength of this area lies in the variety of fish available. basically, like a fish
the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn t i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. bogota is the largest city in colombia and the economic heart of the country. about a fifth of the population lives here, many of them very
another would be just go to the amazon, you know, like just go to the jungle and check out what s going on. i m planning a vacation. should i come to colombia? should i come to cali? most definitely, man. of course. you will find great music, great partying, great food, beautiful views, beautiful nature around. yeah, yeah, look, the country is beautiful, we know this. but most americans, they re afraid to come. is colombia any more dangerous for a tourist than rio or puerto rico? or south central? i mean, my impression is no. when you go to rio, you don t wear a big watch. you don t wear an expensive suit. you don t behave like an idiot, and life is going to be good. like, maybe i ve been lucky, but i ve never been either mugged or kidnapped or robbed. most people will tell you we had an amazing time, we heard some great music, we met some beautiful girls or guys. we drank some great drinks, and we just hung out and we went to the beach and it was great and we want