you can walk around inside the movie in your head, play the bogey character you never were, all against an all-too-willing, all-too-genuine backdrop. ordinarily just about the last thing in the world i d be interested in doing is antiquing. but buried in the network of twisting narrow streets of the old city is boutique majid. owned and operated and personally curated by this man, abdelmajid rais el fenni. hello. abdelmajid: how are you? anthony: and he s one interesting guy. thank you. abdelmajid: come on in. anthony: when he was a little kid back in the 60s, majid left his hometown of fez and came here where he d earn a few dirham a night emptying ashtrays at the wild and extravagant parties being thrown here by wealthy ex-pats. he saw what these people would buy for themselves and how they decorate their homes and started to look around for himself, scoring, then reselling art and antiques.
inevitably ends up lost in the old part of the city. the medina is just what you want it to be. the ancient world residing just next to and around the new one. you can walk around inside the movie in your head, play the bogey character you never were, all against an all too willing, all too genuine backdrop. ordinarily just about the last thing in the world i would be interested in doing is antiquing, but buried in the network of twisting narrow streets of the old city is boutique majid, anded and operated by this guy. and he s one interesting guy. thank you. come in. when he was a little kid back in the 60s, majid left his hometown of fez and came here where he would earn money
next to and around the new one. look. you can walk around inside the movie in your head, play the bogey character you never were, all against an all too willing, all too genuine back drop. ordinarily just the last thing in the world i would be interested in doing is antiquing. but buried in the network of the narrow streets of the old city is boutique najid, owned and operated and personally curated by this man. hello. how are you? he s one interesting guy. thank you. come on in. when he was a little kid back in the 60s, he left his hometown and came here. he emptied ashtrays at the wild and extravagant parties thrown here by the wealthy ex-pats. he would see what the people would buy for themselves and how they decorated their homes, and
the medina is just what you want it to be. the ancient world residing just next to and around the new one. you can walk around inside the movie in your head, play the bogey character you never were, all against an all-too-willing, all-too-genuine backdrop. ordinarily just about the last thing in the world i d be interested in doing is antiquing. but buried in the network of twisting narrow streets of the old city is boutique majid. owned and operated and personally curated by this man, abdelmajid rais el fenni. hello. abdelmajid: how are you? anthony: and he s one interesting guy. thank you. abdelmajid: come on in. anthony: when he was a little kid back in the 60s, majid left his hometown of fez and came here where he d earn a few dirham a night emptying ashtrays at the wild and extravagant parties being thrown here by wealthy ex-pats. he saw what these people would buy for themselves and how they
anyone who comes to tangier inevitably ends up lost in the old part of the city. the medina is just what you want it to be. the ancient world residing just next to and around the new one. you can walk around inside the movie in your head, play the bogey character you never were, all against an all too willing, all too genuine backdrop. ordinarily just about the last thing in the world i would be interested in doing is antiquing, but buried in the network of twisting narrow streets of the old city is boutique majid owned by this man. and he s one interesting guy.