They tend to interfere with the equipment in the room and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Call roll. President loftus, here. Vice president s therman, here. Commissioner marshal we believe is in route. Commissioner dejeess, here. Commissioner mazzucco, here. Commissioner hwang, here. Commissioner mu lera, here. You have a quarpm and also here is chief suhr and joyce hicks. Good evening here. Sergeant please call the first line item item one Public Comment. The public can address on the items that are not on the tonight agenda but that are win the subject matter of jurisdiction orphthe commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or had department or occ personal. Under Police Commission rules ofordser during the Public Comment
Today. Thank you for calling this hearing. I of course am in favor of body cameras. While i believe strongly in the right of privacy i think that the use of body cameras has the potential of radically reforming our Public Safety system for the better. Body cameras are a shield for armor against false accusations and vindictive lawsuits. Were behind the curve in San Francisco. Officers in oakland, union city, los gatos, gill roy, brentwood, vallejo and campbell already wear them. Theres no doubt based on the research and best practices that body cameras improve police conduct. In the first year the Rialto Police department it was found that use of force fell my 60 and citizen complaints fell by 88 within one year. Why is in . This . Because theres an objective record which is the benefit of having a camera. Studies say that the effect of thirdparty observers on behavior plays a mayor role. Weve seen this as people have cameras on their phones and often will video arrest in other parts o
Occ is here, joyce hicks. Thank you, chair campos. Thank you for being here and im sure other questions might arise from presentations from others so i d like you to of course be ready for any of those responses. Thank you. I want to call up our public defender, jeff hidachi and thank you for your op ed today. Thank you for calling this hearing. I of course am in favor of body cameras. While i believe strongly in the right of privacy i think that the use of body cameras has the potential of radically reforming our Public Safety system for the better. Body cameras are a shield for armor against false accusations and vindictive lawsuits. Were behind the curve in San Francisco. Officers in oakland, union city, los gatos, gill roy, brentwood, vallejo and campbell already wear them. Theres no doubt based on the research and best practices that body cameras improve police conduct. In the first year the Rialto Police department it was found that use of force fell my 60 and citizen complaints