killed, and 61 wounded. we are talking just this weekend. and the reality is those numbers are not out of the ordinary compared to prior weekends in america this year. across the country, people are frightened and fed up. i myself was hiding behind cars, because the shots kept getting closer and closer. we need justice. we need justice. and we need it, because we need our kids to be safe in the community. we shouldn t have to walk around having to watch our backs. i was almost asleep and heard numerous gunshots. 20 to 40. woke me up instantly. i don t need this in my backyard. nobody needs it in their backyard. like, i don t want to feel like i can t get home from work safe. over the last ten days we ve had three killed here and something like 23 injured. so it s a terrible situation. we will do as mayors what we have to do to keep our people safe, but we could sure use some help at the federal level. the stakes are higher. the pressure is greater. and after yea
As rúas de Compostela cheas de manifestantes para reivindicar dereitos
A mocidade independentista aposta por unha transformación social Ceivar en loita pola liberdade dos presos independentistas.
antiago. A marcha convocada polo BNG este domingo foi sen dúbida a central do nacionalismo galego, pero a maiores uníronse outras nacionais e independentistas nas que se contou cunha gran afluencia.
Mentres, Anova, cofundada polo histórico Xosé Manuel Beiras, tamén reivindicou unha Galicia “libre” nun acto no que o seu portavoz nacional, Antón Sánchez, incidiu na necesidade de “construír un suxeito que articule todas as loitas sociais”, como a defensa dos servizos esenciais.