COUNTY VALUATION County assessor Renae Neilson updated the board on county valuation. She said her office expects an increased number of appeals this year after notices go out to residents on May 1 (see additional details in Neilson’s letter to the editor this week on page 5.) Neilson attributed the valuation to a record number
WORK SESSIONS René Harden, representing the Radino Senior Center, asked if the seniors can take the county bus on an overnight trip in May. The seniors have raised their own funding for a trip and have 14 signed up to go. Permission was granted. RBC Extension Agent Linda Masters asked about adding two local Hispanic
MEEKER | For nearly 50 years the Fairfield Community Center complex has provided a venue for weddings, funerals, events, church services, debates, CNCC classes, lectures, community dinners and more. The building at 200 Main St. was the home of the Meeker Public Library and remains the location for the White River Round-Up senior nutrition program.
I would like to reply to Ms. Stevenson, comments in the TVN. It is very frustrating to me when members of the community write their options on the Land Development