These immature bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) are part of UMAMI, an investigation that examines whether space alters the symbiotic relationship between the squid and the bacterium Vibrio fischeri.
Photo: NASA/Jamie S. Foster, University of Florida
The 22nd SpaceX cargo resupply mission is going to be delivered to the International Space Station this month and, among the materials for the various experiments NASA is working on, there will be 128 baby Bobtail Squid that are just the cutest lil’ babies ever.
I mean just look at them! They’ve got polkadots and big eyes and tiny little legs. This may be the cutest way humanity comes to an end.
SpaceX rocket takes baby bobtail squids to ISS
Astronauts aboard the ISS are getting fresh supplies, new solar arrays and two batches of tiny squids for a scientific experiment.
Some of the squids will be exposed to bacteria once on board the ISS, while others will be left alone
For the first time ever, bobtail squids made it into space on Thursday. They were traveling toward the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a NASA resupply mission.
The space agency sent two boxes with the freshly hatched squids, also known as Euprymna scolopes, to help astronauts study the effects of low gravity on the relationship between the animals and their symbiotic bacteria.
For barely visible organisms, bobtail squid and tardigrades do get a lot of attention. And they are now preparing to go where most humans will never get the chance to: in space. SpaceX is launching its 22nd cargo mission tomorrow, June 3, and the tiny creatures will embark on the adventure of their lifetime, on a trip to the International Space Station.