Health, but about their financial health. Saidwe ran in 2018, we that we would do three things. We would lower the cost of health care by lowering the cost of prescription drugs and preserving the preexisting conditions. We would have Lower Health Care costs, these are paychecks by building the infrastructure of america in the greenway. And, cleaner government which eight with hr one that would wouldach possible which reduce the role of dark money and politics preventing us from accomplishing goals. Care, subject of health this was a reiteration on what we had run on in 2006. 6 for 06. To give the was secretary the authority to negotiate for a lower price. We knew then, and we knew now that was the only way we could take down these prices. 06, five became law, and one did not. Thethat was giving secretary to negotiate for lower prices. That is the heart of hr three, which is very much a part of the legislation we will hear about today. I am honored that i am here we are here with richi
Good morning, good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Speaker pelosi good morning. Thank you all for being here. My apologies, it is like the middle of the day. There is so much that has been going on today already, but here we are to talk about something that is so important in the lives of the American People, their health. It is not only about their health, but about their financial health. When we ran in 2018, we said that we would do three things. We would lower the cost of health care by lowering the cost of prescription drugs and preserving the preexisting conditions. We would have Lower Health Care osts, these are paychecks by building the infrastructure of america in a green way. And, cleaner government with hr one that would make each possible which would reduce the role of dark money and politics preventing us from accomplishing goals. In the subject of health care, this was a reiteration on what we had run on in 2006. 6 for 06. One of those was to give the secretary the a
Care, potential for vaccine treatments and mitigation of the incredible economic arm, the fourth bill is still lingering with an uncertain future in the senate. And then the murder of george floyd brought a long simmering crisis to a head for our nation. Last week, this house passed the justice in policing act to deal with systemic racism and policing. This bill deals with another crisis. Denied by the president and denied by most in his party. The existential threat of Climate Change to the world as we know it. To our nation. To our coastal areas. To our inland areas. To everything, our crops, our future, our childrens future, our grandkids future. Before us today is a long overdue transportation, comprehensive 21st century, the first 21st century transportation bill that moves beyond the eisenhower era and just reauthorizing the same old programs all the time. It also deals with the incredibly deteriorated infrastructure in this country. There is bipartisan agreement on that. It need
Sb Committee Comes to order. Good afternoon. And welcome to our witnesses and audience members. Let me thank you all of you, for coming, and for participating in this subcommittee hearing. Right here. I think were all pretty familiar with this new virtual setting. But because this is our First Virtual hearing of this subcommittee, i want to take a moment to provide members with a few reminders before we begin. We will proceed in the same fashion as this committee always has. We will begin with Opening Statements by the chair and Ranking Member. Followed by testimony from our witnesses, and an opportunity for every member to inquire for five minutes. We will dispense with our practice of the given and instead go in order of seniority for questioning alternating between minority and majority members. Members are advised that the clerk may mute those who are not speaking in order to limit background noise and feedback. However, all members are responsible for unmuting themselves when they
Infrastructure bill. A vote on final passage is expected wednesday. May consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon is recognized. Our mr. Defazio our nation is conflonted with multiple crises, covid. We passed four bills in this house to deal with covid directly in terms of medical care, potential for vaccine treatments and mitigation of the incredible economic arm, the fourth bill is still lingering with an uncertain future in the senate. And then the murder of george floyd brought a long simmering crisis to a head for our nation. Last week, this house passed the justice in policing act to deal with systemic racism and policing. This bill deals with another crisis. Denied by the president and denied by most in his party. The existential threat of Climate Change to the world as we know it. To our nation. To our coastal areas. To our inland areas. To everything, our crops, our future, our childrens future, our grandkids future. Before us today is a long overdue transport