Your Voice: "Gambling in our state is not being pushed so our citizens can have a little recreation as we help fund our schools. This is about money. Lots of money. Hundreds of millions of dollars."
Here’s the Bible Studies for Life Sunday School lesson commentary for Dec. 17, written by Bobby McKay, Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi.
Here’s the Bible Studies for Life Sunday School lesson commentary for Dec. 10, written by Bobby McKay, Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi.
Here’s the Bible Studies for Life Sunday School lesson commentary for Dec. 3, written by Bobby McKay, Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi.
August 24, 2015 This week's On the Radio segment looks at public health concerns over the record number of blue-green algae blooms in Iowa this summer. Listen to the audio below, or continue reading for the transcript. Transcript: Blue green algae causing health concerns Toxins from dangerous algal blooms are appearing in record numbers across…