What is the case . In a nutshell it is that as christians we are called not only to be citizens of the kingdom of god which is here now and yet to come but also citizens on earth whatever nation we happen to be a part of. There is a consistent and clear teaching to exercise that citizenship in a robust fashion. First of all to defend our right within the government which of course in the United States means our rights under the constitution and the bill of rights freedom of speech, assembly, freedom of religion, all those things that are our birthright and second come as a witness of our faith so in the context of the decision of the overwhelming majority, the evangelical christian and faithful roman catholics those in 2016 and today my argument in the book is look at where he stands on the issues that they were defined as moral issues central to their pay like right to life, right to religious Freedom Defense of the state of israel moving the courts in the direction of respect for the