College for all. And to his credit exactly how he plans to do with even though wall street does not like it he once a 50 cent tax on every stock trade that could raise the billions even though some fear it could grind the market to a halt so steve you dont take it has a good ring to it . The idea that it is insulting to those that our successful. We know that people who succeed are those that accomplish a lot successful in business or the arts and somehow said deck was stacked in their favor is insulting most people succeed because of their hard work with the risktaking and that is what america is about. That does get old. I dont think would Hillary Clinton says is that people want to become rich going into the upper middle class. But talk about the 50 cent tax that is minimal. But that it allows individuals to go to college to not get Student Loans that has been a drain on the economy. But when half of the cards are not even part of the deck . What people . Some for very good reasons