One Kentucky family got a little something extra when they picked out their Christmas tree this year: a baby owl. Lexington resident Michele White tells WDKY-TV that it’s a tradition for the family to pick out a Christmas tree every year and this year seemed no different. They had the tree in their home for four days and didn’t notice anything unusual. Not until Bobby Hayes was hired to clean their carpets and noticed the tree swaying after plugging in a piece of equipment. He says the bird was sitting on a lower limb before climbing into the tree. He was able to find it again and safely release it outside.
One Kentucky family got a little something extra when they picked out their Christmas tree this year: a baby owl. Lexington resident Michele White tells WDKY-TV that it’s a tradition for the family to pick out a Christmas tree every year and this year seemed no different. They had the tree in their home for four days and didn’t notice anything unusual. Not until Bobby Hayes was hired to clean their carpets and noticed the tree swaying after plugging in a piece of equipment. He says the bird was sitting on a lower limb before climbing into the tree. He was able to find it again and safely release it outside.
One Kentucky family got a little something extra when they picked out their Christmas tree this year: a baby owl. Lexington resident Michele White tells WDKY-TV that it’s a tradition for the family to pick out a Christmas tree every year and this year seemed no different. They had the tree in their home for four days and didn’t notice anything unusual. Not until Bobby Hayes was hired to clean their carpets and noticed the tree swaying after plugging in a piece of equipment. He says the bird was sitting on a lower limb before climbing into the tree. He was able to find it again and safely release it outside.