We had two different vocal performances from Chester on the original [1994]
Wake Me album, one which was faster and more rock and another that was slower and lent itself to an acoustic version of this song. We scaled everything back and tried to emphasize Chester s vocals in a different light. This is [guitarist] Cristin [Davis ] favorite track on
Stripped. This track feels like an apology from Chester and is very emotional for all of us.
Video of Grey Daze - Sometimes [Stripped] (Official Audio)
Easily my favorite song on this EP. Hearing Chester stripped down gives me chills every time I listen to this song. This is one of the few Grey Daze songs about hope. It is meant to be uplifting lyrics that give the listener a chance to see the bright side in a bad situation. We love how emotional this track is and the strings lend themselves beautifully to Chester s voice. Mace delivers one of the coolest bridges on the album utilizing a 12-string bass that producer Billy B