Artwork often conveys a message but the message from the show on display at the Forest Society headquarters in Concord isn’t one you really want to hear.“They were shocked that they ate plastic, so much plastic,” said Sue Thoresen, whose husband Bob.
Once, the stage musical, is returning to the Seacoast Repertory Theatre, three years after its uplifting story of unrequited love between an Irish street musician and an immigrant flower seller thrilled area audiences.
Committee planning new seating area for Jamestown’s Sensory Garden
The group thought three new benches directly off the main walking path would be a nice addition to the garden. 8:21 am, Mar. 15, 2021 ×
James Valley Career and Technology Center students Andrew Steinmetz, the main builder, and Tamika Holte stand by one of the newly built benches for the Sensory Garden. Both are students in Bob Thoresen’s class which built three benches for the garden. Submitted photo
Jamestown’s Sensory Garden Taskforce is planning a spring installation of a new seating area near the Sensory Garden’s water feature.
“With the construction of the water feature, we realized we needed a seating area on the west side of the water feature,” said Paulette Ritter, co-chair of the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce’s Beautification Committee, one of the members of the Sensory Garden Taskforce. Currently, the water feature’s seating area is in the Sensory Garden a