Singer Island is named for a Singer Sewing Machine heir whose dreams of developing the island died in the 1920s. A railroad tycoon then built Palm Beach Shores.
Incumbents throughout Moniteau County did not fair well during the April 4 general municipal election. Although positions in city government ran uncontested, voters decided on members of area school boards as well as three ballot measures.
ndndndndndndndndndndndndndndndn. momomomomomomomomomoyssssssssssr so, agagagagagagagagagagagagaga think the longer view on these issues rather than the simplistic snapshots. you also can t simplify this issue of unemployment that we re facing today. you know, workers in our economy are not simply cogs in some sort of giant machine. you know, they are not interchangeable in that kind of way. they have very different skillsets. they live in different regions. they are different ages and have different levels of experience and different places in their careers. you y so the problems that an unemployed worker in detroit, whether it s a welder or autoworker, the problem that unemployed worker faces can t be resolved by removing an immigrant laborer in central california who s engaejed in agricultural work or is a landscaper. just those kinds of things don t mix. we have a complicated series problem when it comes to unemployment but we need to be serious about addressing those thin