do we have that? i think we should embrace it and develop a stakeholder-driven system of high standards for doing the work. he is a very smart man. but unfortunately, he s not bound by the laws and regulations any longer of the united states to make decisions that follow a certain procedure. and that is what we have to do. bob: what you have just seen is the beginning of the trial balloon for barack obama coming out in support of the pipeline before the election. and instead of the republicans getting credit for it, bill clinton will get credit for it, for bringing obama around on this. kimberly: look how happy he looks. bob: you make headway on this all the time. it will drop gas prices down. leaving that aside, it is an interesting thing that bill clinton he did not come out and do this on his own, i assure you of that. it was the beginning of a plan to get it done before the
democratically-controlled senate defeated the g.o.p. effort to overturn president obama contraception mandate it would have allowed employers to opt out of part of obamacare they found morally objectable. also today, vice president joe biden admitted the administration didn t hand the situation so well. what is happening is now is we have been able to provide what is hard to set up, got screwed up in the first iteration. is that any hospital no matter where it is, no matter who runs it, profit or non-profit, religious based or otherwise has to provide insurance to employers like everybody else does. kimberly: got love joe. bob: do we have a translator for that? greg: i m more worried about the health of the giant fly that was stuck there. bob: you know, that was joe, what joe does best.
anybody who tries to deny it isn t being honest. eric: do you remember her speech? remember her speech at the convention? kimberly: powerful. eric: she united the base, the far right. she had it. you have to admit whether you like her politics she has the ability to rally the base. bob: i don t deny her ability. she is a good speaker and got to be a better speaker. she has done a remarkable job of staying in the public limelight. she has done extremely well. i don t deny her that. my only argument here is that this is somehow, the hbo thing is a product of the left. it is not. kimberly: eric, geraldo had me dress up like her for him one time. eric: the glasses. we got to leave there. coming up, gasoline hitting a march 1 high today. what is president obama s solution anyway? raise taxes on oil companies. that is brilliant. bob fights his way out of that corner next.
they said that the guy left a $1.33 tip for $133 bill. they doctored a reveet, put it up on the blog. cnn, other outlets picked it up. because rich people are evil. remember? that is what we have learned. dana: the quote on cnn, who did it? was at it message about the 1% or the message about the conversation about the 1%? rivetting television nonetheless. kimberly: dramatic read. dana: thank you. the interest thing, the true food kitchen in newport beach, california, where this happened, they called and said this isn t true. but what i think is interesting is that they don t have evidence to point to, so they have to make it up. kimberly: this should be thrown out. they don t have anything to back it up. there are no receipts to match this whatsoever. long at the relishing glee they have jumped on it. dana: you know a lot of conservatives, bob. they are a big tipper. bob: they are. you are a big tipper. eric is.
other places and we told raucous stories about our extracurricular activities. i like the guy a lot. he s a good friend of my brothers, because he is in los angeles. my brother is a conservative as you know. he and breitbart and a group of them get together to meet. dana: in secret? bob: yeah. i saw, i think he did lose a warrior in the sense that i always noticed about conservatives that in the younger conservative leadership seems to be more, you know, in writing or cerebral. only one that got in your face but i didn t think that ann coulter did not serve you well. in breitbart s case, he did. you are missing a general. good way to put it. eric: can i relate one of my fondest breitbart s stories and nothing to do with anything he did here. when he broke the anthony weiner stuff, the pictures of the congressman on the cell? everyone was waiting on edge