najibullacarnage as possible. we live in a world where there is evil. i work in both talk radio and cable tv news and i realize that an event like this results in going nonstop with the story whether there is anything new to report or not. repetition and speculation drive the coverage because when there is nothing new to tell, the options are repeat what we he know, our bring on people who speculate what happened and why it happened. truth it we simply don t know why any person would reach deep enough you into the forces of darkness to decide to kill innocent people simply watching a movie. we just don t know. are but because it is so very out of the ordinary we turn a hot spot light and then we bring it to you you around the clock. here is whey do know. i though that i won t mention the shooter s name on radio or on television because i have got no interest in helping him become a celebrity. i know that he is a coward. he is mentally deranged and his actions were monsterrous
najibullacarnage as possible. we live in a world where there is evil. i work in both talk radio and cable tv news and i realize that an event like this results in going nonstop with the story whether there is anything new to report or not. repetition and speculation drive the coverage because when there is nothing new to tell, the options are repeat what we he know, our bring on people who speculate what happened and why it happened. truth it we simply don t know why any person would reach deep enough you into the forces of darkness to decide to kill innocent people simply watching a movie. we just don t know. are but because it is so very out of the ordinary we turn a hot spot light and then we bring it to you you around the clock. here is whey do know. i though that i won t mention the shooter s name on radio or on television because i have got no interest in helping him become a celebrity. i know that he is a coward. he is mentally deranged and his actions were monsterrous
to use it, but i think in speaking to the folks who are here since 1 a.m. yesterday, it was precise. i mean, it happened the way it was supposed to. i know some communication, there were some gaps in communication, but that comes with chaos, you know, from the city and everywhere else, but i think this demonstrated a terrific trauma system and this is a level two trauma center and it worked very well. so, again, introduce dr. bob snyder, trauma surgeon, he just did some rounds with the patients and he can give you updates on our numbers and stats, okay? thanks, linda. this morning we made rounds on all the patients that were admitted to the trauma service as a result of this mass casualty incident. the patients that we have in the hospital right now are all doing fairly well.
depends on their personality. i think what s important for our patients is to make sure that there s support staff around. whether that s family or whether that all right, we re listening to general surgeon and trauma surgeon dr. bob snyder who talked about the chaos initially at the emergency room at the medical center. right now, there are seven patients in-house, several critical. there are two critical, but stable. gunshot wounds primarily the injuries they ve treated at this hospital, but trauma setting in now emotionally. the families are by the sides of the patients there. more coming up, but back to cashin in right now on fox. did you hear this? canadians are now richer than americans. for the first time in history, the average household in canada is worth more than the average u.s. household. 43,000 more. and you think that canada is doing something we need to do to help reverse this, what is
departments train and drill. they don t ever want to have to use it, but i think in speaking to the folks who are here since 1:00 a.m. yesterday, it was precise. it happened the way it was supposed to. i know some communication there were gaps in communication, but that comes with chaos from the city and everywhere else. but i think this demonstrated a terrific trauma system and this is a level two trauma center and it worked very well. so again, i will introduce dr. bob snyder, a trauma surgeon who did some rounds with the patients who can give you updates on the numbers and stats. okay? thanks, linda. this morning we made rounds on all the patients that were at mitted to the trauma service as a result of this mass casualty incident.