other position, i mean, any other position media, anywhere it shall would have been fired a long time ago knadler wants to impeach the president for winning an a election. that s it he doesn t have any evidence of any crime anywhere. and he thought as they said, well if they didn t read mueller report they would see movie and proceeding that was democrat line led by jerry knadler and movie blew up got, you know, a 1% score on rotten tomatoes so knadler is embarrassed been embarrassed by president trump because he s trying to fabricate a crime so what does he do instead of walking away head in hand he s trying to double down to salvage the rem innocent of his broken horrible reputation but it is not going to work ainsly because there s a problem here. there s no crime. they can t fabricate there s nothing. are you telling me bob mueller with 40 million dollars multiple fbi agents and some of what bob mueller categorize they couldn t find a crime and crack detective jerry knead her is go