Cleaving him on the hacking. It comes alongside what was made on the television jobs. First the fight. Tonight president elect trump escalating his ongoing battle with the u. S. Intelligence community, tweeting just before the briefing, the intelligence on russian hacking was delayed until friday. Perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange. Intelligence officials are pushing back denying there was ever a delay in the briefing and it was always scheduled for friday. Trump always siding with wikileaks founder Julian Assange, a man wanted for leaking classified information who in an interview denied russia had anything to do with handing over the stolen documents and Funding Campaign chairman john po defta. We said repeatedly that our source is not the russian government and it is not state. Trump tweeting he said a 14yearold could have hacked po defta. Why was dnc so careless. He said russians did not give him the info mike pence defended trumps skepticism. President elect ha
LIBERTY Veterans’ Outreach, which provides services and direct aid to area veterans, has moved to a new and larger location off Colonial Drive to star
LIBERTY Veterans’ Outreach, which provides services and direct aid to area veterans, has moved to a new and larger location off Colonial Drive to start th