th anniversary, a series of events was hosted in the greater Columbus area in June.
To begin the events, COBA’s board of directors met and an open house and annual meeting were held for member-owner-customers. In addition, a special dinner celebration was hosted for the board and delegates and delegate meetings were also held.
The open house was kicked off with guests visiting the newly renovated COBA/Select Sires office in Columbus. At Select Sires Inc., in Plain City, the event continued with a bull parade, which lead into lunch by Heflin’s Caterers, and COBA’s annual meeting. General manager, Duane Logan, and board president, Chad Steinberger, lead the meeting to update attendees about the state of the cooperative, events over the last two years, and the projected future. (Livestreams of the bull parade and annual meeting are available on COBA’s Facebook page.) Upon conclusion of the meeting, guests enjoyed touring Select Sires’ facilities and learning more about