with senator bob duel, i was going to point out that he didn t represent a largely urban district. he didn t understand the complexities of a lot of low income residents. he is used to serving zenltss that look like him. i was going to point out that he wasn t upholding the hippocratic oath that he swore to uphold when he became an obgyn and instead tried to be a woman s god. and she kept throwing out pro-choice testimonies all night bragging about her $100 million that she had gotten for women s health. and i was going to point out how that was like flicking a bandoid at a hemorrhage. that have the kind of hemorrhage a woman might have after a back alley abortion. after they passed the trans vaginal ultrasound bill, we lost dozens of clinics. that s why some places have zero clinics. when i was in texas yesterday, they have two clinic that s will be shut down by this bill. there s no need to brag about what you tried to do in this