Here's the release below about our Zoom discussion Thursday night before we did it. We recorded it on YouTube for you and have decided to do these regularly so we can continue the conversation about saving local news in New Hampshire.
Help us raise $100,000 this year through your generous tax-deductible donations to help build our business end and continue to report unbiased news that matters to New Hampshire without fear or favor.
Andrew Cunningham/Franklin Pierce University Bob Charest, board member of the NH Center for Public Interest Journalism, is pictured with founder Nancy West at a media summit in Manchester in 2018.
Dear Reader,
At, we believe that the most important news stories leave a lasting impact and also elevate local and regional issues to a national platform. When Nancy West started this organization six years ago, her mission was to tell the stories of the marginalized.
I wondered then exactly what that meant. Who are the marginalized? It was always Nancy’s intent to tell the stories of those who had been ignored by the traditional media: the vulnerable, the destitute, the people at the bottom who have neither the resources nor the political clout to better their lives.