so with that in mind, it s the worth remembering that one hundred years ago, memphis a boom was one of the richest, best organized cities in the country. it ha hadd a booming economy. it had beautiful municipalhan parks, a lot of them more than a hundred. it had one of the most modern te sanitation systems in worle take something w for granted now. but when yellow fever was real, no one took it for granted. memphis was such a bigwas th deal that in fact, was the mis the informal capital of an entire american region. the mississippi deltanot an,t not anymore. in fact, by last year, i f b you went to memphis, it was hard to believe that any of that had ever been true at any point. because by that point and nowa memphis had become a husk and a highly threatening one in 2020si one , according to federal, statistics, memphis, tennessee, was the most dangerous city in the united states . talast year.w much it recorded a total of three hundred and forty two murders. no?w, how
states government in exchange for millions of dollars for themselves. change for crim a crime. itas aware of it when it happened and joe bidenit profited from it direcedt. ge it was a strong charge to make.y bertoni bob alinsky ha bdd th the document, the emailsmessaget and the text messages to prove that it happened. wehappen. we considered it a hue story and we spent an hour on it in october. oof twenty . cons still consider it a huge storylo in all of that time.ime no other no other major news organization in this countryllow has bothered to follow the new york times neveriewed interviewed tonyto belinski as part of aen investigation into the biden family business deal thes, which is strange bece he was a partner with the bidenb family. but theniden neither has the washington post . neither have the other television networks. they v. e ignored it. se the fbi, whose job it is to enforce federat l law, did take a lengthy statement from tonyfrn during and during that c
and he would know because hehe s saw and then he provided extensive document s to prove that it happened.e that it the agency spoke to seemo to shocked and they promised tony l get back to bob belinski for a follow up interview. but they never did. but they never did. in fact, the fbi never tony belinski again. no one was ever indicted for these crimes. the investigation into theme s day, the fbi continues to suppress evidence, proof that the mostcor powerful family in the country has committed crimes againstcris the united states . that is the definitionthe unite. corruption. it s unacceptable if the united states is going to it. continue as a democratic republic. hav we can t have this. it c it cannot go oannot n. a next month, voters will have a chance to change course. they will have the chance to repudiate the forces that havert dangerously politicizedr la and corrupted our law enforcement agencies before voters makrcement e that decision. we thought it was important tha
called liberty legal. now to see if you re eligible, include five seven five five three five one . what s amazing in retrospectn rs is that two years ago, when this story first broke, the usual liars and power worshipers in the media, those ra acknowledged that tony baba wolinsky existann act dismisseds the story by saying, well, e str yeah, but it sy biden s son . and nothing to do with biden. as if hunter biden would be able is if hunter biden would be able be able to make millions of china on the basis of his own expertise, which amounted to precisely nothing. he never had a real job. had n he had no job. had n how was he getting so rich? gets because his dad was a vicewas t president . that s how they were selling access to the united states government. with joe biden, his brother. and the money was in part going. to joe biden. r and that was all very clear because biden said it repeatedly on text that anedly y news organization could have read . bertoni by belinski alrea
clearly lost much, if not mostot of his mental capacity. t mostwhen you see a leader likc that, a lot of countries aroundh the world see thatat as a signat fo start exploiting the situation for their own interests. i believeir owe that s absolutey a factor. a that s totally the drunk stepdad. do whafactor.t you want. no, it s totally it s completely right. glenn greenwald, thank you so much for joining us today. i appreciate it. you regreat to be with the doct. thanks.t down thank you. w so was two years almost exact was october of 2020 that we sat down with a man called tony,nert bob belinski, who had beend us a business partner of the bidene family, and he showed invol us concrete evidence that joe biden was involved in thesve business dealings and his family was selling hise as viche political influence as vice president . government in return forto the a return for money. so since that interview, whichld was suppressed, we have learned a lot more about why sneo manytt ameri