in the produce aisle, the man in the white shirt gets the attention of the clerk. now the clerk s back is turned, his partner in the row behind him swoops in as the woman in the hat looks away from her cart to pick the perfect apple, he picks up her wallet. surviellance videos to kgtv hoping they would lead to an arrest. theft rings run by sticky-finger crooks are making a killing. in philadelphia, investigators say this group has perfected the crime. this man sits directly behind his victim, hidden by his jacket he reaches right inside of her purse hanging on the chair. the thieves analyze you very well, watching for the weakest victim. reporter: bob arnot is a master pickpocket who advises law enforcement on how to catch the crooks. he and his wife bambi acting as the decoy show me how it is done. the woman at this table is so busy talking she has no idea what is going on behind her. did you take my wallet? did you have any idea what he
there are many people out there with eyes and ears, ready and willing to help solve a crime. there has been silence. we have heard a lot of people saying that crowd sourcing, i lot of experts that are willing to contribute to this search effort. a big thank you to mary schiavo and to dr. bob arnot. thank you for sticking around and taking questions from our viewers. we really appreciate that. . ahead at this hour, california jilted by more earth quakes. is this a sign of what so many people fear, a bigger one waiting to happen? we are going to speak with a seismologist when we return. if you don t think feed the then you don t know aarp . our drive to end hunger has donated 29 million meals,
i think chris cuomo sent that question in. he is obsessed with diego garcia. mary, i am going to ask you a twofer here. a lot of viewers want to know why they are not searching nearby air pords. if no record has been found so far. is there a possibility it could have landed somewhere nearby. i think they are not searching them because of the location of the hand shakes. the few data points that we have from the aircraft that couldn t be turned off, as dr. bob arnot said to the satellites. based on that satellite information and the crunching of the data by inmarsat and other brains in the world working with them, that they had a pretty good aidea it headed into the ocean. they are not looking at airports. at airports, there are lots of people. having spent years investigating and litigating 911, the clues just flooded out.
plans for the couldn t interest i. back to our top story. there was such promise over the weekend as crews spotted debris in the new search zone. here we are, monday. seemingly no closer to any answers. the size and hostility of the ocean and the speed of time proving to be pretty huge obstacles. we want to bring in cnn aviation analysts and former transportation department mary schiavo and aviation correspondent. dr. bob arnot. we did get in information. we are now being told the last words were not all right, good night. the last words were good night, malaysian 370. they are slightly different than what we thought. mary, i am wondering, if that language is consistent with what you normally hear from a cockpit in air traffic control?
i also have after vdvocated tha data be released to really smart organizations, harvard. the only way we have of looking at this is to get the most accurate fix of where we think it went down and how it went down. if i was to try to outsmart the world, i would make a big footprint and land it and let it sit. i think the mistake here has been not to have the sonars. weeks ago, to start looking with this with the best and most accurate sense of where we think that airplane really went down. dr. bob, mary, hang on for one minute. we re going to bring you back after the break. we have many more questions for you to talk about this in the search for flight 370. we want to get you at home to tweet us your questions. hashtag, 370ques.