Whether this year’s festival pans out that way will only transpire later this month. But, one thing is for sure, there is something for practically everyone in the offing right across the country.
Israeli University Nanosatellites Aim to Democratize Space
Israeli University Nanosatellites Aim to Democratize Space
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Two Israeli universities have launched homebuilt “social” nanosatellites with the goal of making outer-space research affordable and accessible to all educational institutions.
“The technology we are testing was done already by NASA but cost millions. We are trying to do the same with a fraction of the budget around $1,000, not including shipment and launch costs,” says master’s student Rony Ronen.
Ronenleads the microcontroller and radio communication subsystems group for Ariel University’s first nanosatellite (CubeSat), SATLLA-1.