the government of new york, theo government of georgia and the government of the united states. beforernor we do do you see thet kisses passed between president xi and putin, the serious business, that is not a joke, serious business as pointed outo inup foreign policy china s j presidency xini jinping to visit moscow the first trip abroad aso no election to those surprise of those who been watching carefully. when one steps back and analyzes the relationship between china and russia the facts cannot be denied. along every dimension personal economic, military and diplomatic the undeclaredis alliance that president xi has built with vladimir putin has become much more consequential than most of the united states alliance today. the greatest threat is china, not russia, was not iranch it is nit s china. is like saying it s world war ii but the precipice but the greatest threat that we face is italy bu ft not japan and germay this is a complete lack of knowle
that is unimaginable and ita cannot be fixed ifwa they do it, let s move to georgia, georgia is a real case that is a real case, know what is not that s another joke give a democrat elected d.a., you have a bigd d. mouth grand jury foreman jur spouting off about things that took place you have a local judge there this issue is j perfectludy fine he said she co go off like that then another t grand jury that s going to looka at what three first grand jury did, at the bottom one or two conversations trump had and i don t know this firsthand just what we hear fine votes or find me books, let me ask a question does a politician, leo terrell asked people to find votes diddo he say commit crimes, stuff the ballot box, find me some boats
isn t that why the democrats l change the election laws iawnrg georgia and so maniay states to find votes and gather votes isn t that why they have harvesting of both after an election to go find votes, interfering in election isn t that why democrats jumped up in 202,016 to challenge the electors to assign by the states to try to stop the votes and stop the peaceful transfer from one administration to another they are criminalizing all the stuff. stop embarrassing the democrat stus with facts you kns well as i do they don t deal with facts i live in california when you make a harvest probablo i shiver that s all they do and they basically manipulate the system forth themselves, you mentioned georgia what scares mn as a lawyer to a lawyer the one area where we save america frome being a banana republiric is ata legal system in our legal system is now part of the democratic