nuclear armed country. direct engagement is not the time right now. there may be a point down the road, but not right now. efforts example to reach a spending bill, the president wants a funding wall with mexico. is there funding within your own party? i think there is. a promise he made to the american people. it was one of his biggest cheer lines when he was speaking rally. i m personally a believer in border security. i don t know if it needs to be a wall. fencing in some areas. walls in some areas. security in other areas. i worked in border security. government shut downs happens every time we come up against a funding deadline. i would be very surprise fed we were right up to that deadline and saw the government shut down. i think we work our way through this. there is discussion with democrats now.
include $1.4 billion for the wall as part of that measure. it will be up to congress to pass it, and if the democrats filibuster that and block it, they are the ones shutting the whole government down just to keep the wall from being built. reporter: the president tweeting today the wall is a very important tool. it s stopping drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth and many others, but the administration appears to be sending mixed signals on how hard a line the president is willing to draw when it comes to the wall. secretary of homeland security john kelly telling cnn the president would insist on it. the president has been pretty straightforward about his desire and the need for a border wall, so i would suspect he ll do the right thing for sure, but i will suspect he will be insistent on the funding. reporter: but chief of staff reince priebus refused to say whether the president would veto a bill that did not include wall
funds. i think that as long as the president s priorities are adequately reflected in the cr, i think we ll we ll be wok that. reporter: democrats say funding for the swal a non-starter. to think that he would consider shutting down the government of the united states of america over this outlandish proposal of a border wall which we can t even pay for at this point and is opposed by democrats and republicans all along the border that would be the height of irresponsibility. reporter: even some republicans on the hill are suggesting the party cannot risk a shutdown over the wall. the last thing we can afford is to send a message to the world that the united states government, by the way, is only partially functioning. reporter: on day 95 of his presidency the president finds himself with the lowest approval ratings at this stage for any president since 1945. yet a washington post /abc news poll finds that 96% of trump supporters stand by their vote.
president seems determined to stick by the wall even though many members of his own party, republicans, i are saying money could be spent better elsewhere. that s where he might run into problems with his own party. administration is trying to cast them against democrats in congress. in reality, there are a number of their members that aren t thrilled with this either. that will cause a lot of complications in annard complicated issue to keep the government funded. on another important issue, taxes and efb knows that s very important. david, the president says on wednesday he will release the broad picture of his tax reform proposals and already there are reports out there that corporate tax rates will go down from 35% right now to only 15%. that s a tough sell. it is going to be a
washington. i think it s lot of stasis and not getting things done because we are so split off into our own echo chambers. i don t have a prosecute ble the president reaching out to conservative media outlets. this issue is far more profound. when we have a conversation about a wall, about immigration reform, the beginning of the conversation should be what the facts are. what we re seeing with these media outlets is they re putting together fiact and fiction that confuse americans. he is reaching out to a lot of people. he s having dinner with john mccain and lindsey graham tonight on the the white house. that should be interesting. they have been some of the president s detractors. it will be interesting to see what comes out of this because it has been across the board. you can count on lindsey graham and john mccain to cause