West Ottawa chooses Detroit-area educator as new Superintendent By Gary Stevens
Jan 22, 2021 7:11 AM
HOLLAND TWP., MI (WHTC-AM/FM) – One of three area school districts seeking a new operational leader has apparently filled that vacancy.
The West Ottawa Board of Education, during a special meeting Wednesday, voted unanimously to extend a contract offer to Timothy Bearden for being the district’s next superintendent. The Chief Academic Officer of Detroit County Day School in the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills was chosen ahead of Anne Armstrong, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources with Hudsonville Public Schools.
Both finalists, who emerged from 28 candidates who applied when Tom Martin announced his retirement in August after nine years at the post, toured the district and had final virtual public interviews on Tuesday. “The Board of Education reconvened on Wednesday to deliberate over both candidates,” said Board President Kate McCoy in a letter t