DDA Exam Date 2023 has been announced for ASO, Patwari, JSA, AAO, JE Civil, Naib Tehsildar, and Legal Assistant. Check the complete exam schedule for DDA Recruitment 2023.
Rajasthan Police Constable Eligibility 2023: Rajasthan Police has released the eligibility for the constable post like age limit, qualification and physical requirements with the notification. Check the details like age restriction, requirements for
UPSSSC PET Application Form 2023: The UPSSSC PET Application Form has been released on the official website on August 1, 2023. The last date to apply online is on or before August 30, 2023. Get the direct Apply Online 2023 link on this page.
he Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) released the UPSSSC PET Eligibility through the official notification. Check the age limit educational qualification, and experience.