separately, giuliani told us this morning that lev parnas and igor fruman health connect him with the form ukrainian prosecutor, victor show ken he matters because he was just getting the firm, the company were hunter biden set on the board earning $50,000 a month. within the last hour, the democrat-lead house intelligence committee has issued a subpoena for lev parnas and igor fruman. they were called to give depositions today but their lawyer told the committee that they wouldn t complain to the could bring the council. and they were that multiple issues would be off the table because of attorney-client privilege. so the subpoena, bottom-line, is not a surprise. at this point, it s symbolic because the administration has said they will not cooperate until there is the formal or official vote on the house floor. harris: we are learning, 2:00 p.m. eastern court appearance in alexandria, virginia. thank you very much. house democrats face a new pressure to hold a full floor vote on th
basics and we know that women are behind men dollar for dollar across the board earning went to $0.58 on the dollar if you re hispan hispanic, 80% if you re asian. given the majority of u.s. income gains have gone to this top 1% of households and women are such a small part of that group, is there anything predictive from your study for the rest of women out there? and what do we do about this? absolutely. so the broader research suggests we ve had seen the least amount of gains at the top. so we ve had the most difficulty changing gender norms potentially around top income capitalize. that they re potentially even more traditional in terms of their arrangements. but there are multiple things i would point to we can do to help eliminate some of these gender dispariti