Pay act in 1963. The gender pay gap persists across all states and nearly all occupations. As we seeks to build the 21st century workforce more than 73 million working women are added disadvantage because it pay inequity and other barriers based on gender. While we have come a ways from the days of work pay discrimination such as in the 1930s when the federal government no less required women to be paid 25 last than their male counterparts, the pay gap exists, persists. Its bad enough that women with equal education and experience get paid less, gets gets worse pretty recent New York University study found that when women began to enter predominantly male occupations pay in those fields decreased overall. For example when women began to pursue careers in design wages dropped more than 30 . When they entered careers in biology wages dropped 18 . The study also shows that when men entered fields. As they dominated by women such as computer programming, wages increased. The bottom line is