Original Pathway Board members have served since 2009 By Paula Pyzik Scott The Village of Bluffton Council held a regular meeting on April 9 which included reports on how recent and future rains are impacting the village. VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION Assistant Administrator Bryan Lloyd spoke about the performance of the water treatment plant on April 2, when flood conditions closed
By Paula Pyzik Scott On Easter 2023, Makayla White, Ryan DeMarco and Teri Steinmetz aided a little boy who was lost on South Main St. But the circumstances were unusual. The little fellow refused to speak and was inconsolable. DeMarco hailed a passing Bluffton Police Department cruiser and Officer Abby Michael came to their assistance. But the story doesn’t end there. The
PHOTOS clockwise) Ross Zimmerman sworn in as Bluffton Police Officer; Teri Steinmetz accepts BPD Citizen of the year honors shared with Ryan Demarco and Makayla White; members of Bluffton Boy Scouts Troop 256. By Paula Pyzik Scott The 28-page meeting packet is HERE. The March 25 regular meeting of the Bluffton Council presented a gallery full of people including Boy Scouts
The Village of Bluffton is now using Everbridge as its Community Alert and Notification platform. Please follow this link to sign up to receive alerts from the Village of Bluffton https://member.everbridge.net/354871672832220/login If you were previously signed up with Nixle for alerts, you will need to sign up with Everbridge to continue receiving communications from the