According to the Sebi mandate, large cap mutual funds are mandated to invest in top 100 companies by market capitalisation. Large companies fare better in a volatile market as these companies may be market leaders and resilient to downturns.
Equity funds saw a 28 per cent surge in inflows, reaching ₹21,780 crore in January. This marked the 35th consecutive month of positive inflows into equity funds, starting from March 2021, stated the Vintage Wealth Products Report for February.
Kotak Bluechip Fund, a flagship offering of Kotak Mutual Fund, has shown remarkable growth over 25 years with a CAGR of 16.36% for SIP. The fund has outperformed benchmarks despite economic challenges
Kotak Bluechip Fund has generated these returns amidst many economic and global headwinds such as the 2000 Dot-com Bubble Burst, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the 2016 Demonetization, and the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, among others, according to the press release.
The fund has invested in the companies selected for their strong business fundamentals and capable management teams, making the fund an ideal choice for those looking to invest in blue-chip companies