Adventure On Your Desktop – Line up!
With far-off travel on hold for the time being,
The Scots Magazine is celebrating the cultural spread of Scotland with a week-long virtual festival – offering something for everyone, from those itching to be in the mountains, to those hoping to entertain the kids.
Launching on December 14, “Adventure To Your Desktop” is a five-day online festival bringing to life the best of Scotland, through how-tos, cook-alongs and masterclasses from Scottish talent live on Facebook Premiere.
Authors and wild swimming enthusiasts Vicky Allan & Anna Deacon, top private events chef Barry Bryson, record-breaking Munro runner Donnie Campbell plus artist and homeware designer Fi Douglas of Bluebell Gray will be showcasing their professions, skills and hobbies to keep the adventure alive for Scots who remain in lockdown, due to the current tiering system in place across the country.