No vacancy: Republicans struggle to make space for Trump regrets Salon 2 hrs ago Donald Trump | Impeachment Trial in the Senate Chamber Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images
Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney hit the Sunday shows to reiterate her position that former President Donald Trump is a danger to the republic. It s impossible to argue with her on this particular issue. If there is going to be a popular front to fight the GOP s crude usurpation of democracy, it s going to take people like Liz Cheney to join up. Unfortunately, there aren t many of them left in the Republican Party.
CBS News released a poll over the weekend that showed 80% of Republican voters back the GOP s decision to oust Cheney from her House leadership position. A majority of Republican voters believe she doesn t have the right message, that she isn t supportive enough of their maximum leader, and that she s wrong about the 2020 election. 34% of them believe that disloyalty s