several key anti-terror measures could expire at midnight, if congress is not able to pass a four-year extension. currently caught up in procedural wrangling in the senate and still has to go before the house, if senators manage to pass it. the expiring provisions deal with roving wiretaps tracking alleged lone wolf terrorists allowing authorities to obtain any records they deem relevant to an investigation. in joplin, missouri, authorities released a lit of the missing. the list includes 232 names which are being published on missouri s public safety department website. but the list only includes those whose families filled out a missing person report. some people on the missing list may be dead, and officials will work with families to identify them. death toll now stands at 125. dedealing aa blow to walker, a wisconsin judge struck down the state s controversial law that restricts collective bargaining for state workers. the judge ruled that legislators violated the state s open
on potential plotters who use more than one phone or phone number or device with a single court order. also expiring is the power to seize all considered relevant to a national security investigation. finally, the lone wolf provision allowing non-u.s. citizens who may be up to no good about who aren t connected with a foreign power or group. the you. a senate vote is hung up over civil liberties concerns. but democrats are s, harry reid complaining about the road blocks raised by tea party champion rand paul. listen to this. unless the senator foreign policy kentucky stops standing in the way, our law enforcement will no longer be able to use some of the most critical tools they need to counter terrorists and combat terrorism. if they cannot use these tools, tools that identify and track terror suspect, it could have dire consequences on our national security. i am somehow to be told that, because i believe a judge should sign a warrant that i m in favor of terrorists
been holding down the fort for the the last two weeks. many republicans are prepared to reach across the aisle there? reporter: the likelihood according to one republican source i spoke to is, better than 50/50 but only for 2 of the 4 or 5 moderate republicans who are considering backing a compromise or voting against the walker bill. here s how this shakes out. there are a number of moderate republicans, one, dale schultz long on regard saying he wants a compromise or will vote no on the walker bill. he s been in tfrgs wiconsiderat other republicans. some of the democrats hiding out have been talking to their republican colleagues trying to persuade at least two of them to join schultz, because if two join schultz, the ultimate math would be 17-16 for the democrats and that would be a blow to walker s plan to have this budget repair bill passed by the time he announces the budget