BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL, Ill. (WMBD) — Leaders from the Bloomington-Normal NAACP Branch acknowledge State President Teresa Haley’s remarks about immigrants should not have been said. They also said they accept Haley’s sincere apologies. Despite Haley’s apologies, former DuPage County NAACP President Patrick Watson has been calling for Haley’s resignation. According to the Bloomington-Normal NAACP Watson “received an […]
The Bloomington-Normal Branch of the NAACP will hold its annual Freedom Fund Banquet at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23, at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Normal.
During the NAACP National Convention held recently in Boston, the Bloomington-Normal branch was acknowledged as one of few branches that have been in existence for 100 years.
The NAACP Illinois State Conference announced Sunday that the 2023 NAACP Illinois State Convention will be held in Normal on Sept. 22-24 at the Holiday Inn, located at 8 Traders Circle.
NORMAL, Ill. (WMBD) — The NAACP Illinois State Conference announced Sunday that the 2023 NAACP Illinois State Convention will be held in Normal on Sept. 22-24 at the Holiday Inn, located at 8 Traders Circle. The group said the highlighted event in the convention will be the Bloomington-Normal Branch’s Freedom Fund Banquet on Sat., Sept. […]