While the Russian invasion of Ukraine will cause short-term volatility, market participants said investors need to equally watch for some of the domestic factors including state elections and the upcoming initial offering of Life Insurance Corp. But they advised against panic.
India’s stock market may post “moderate returns” of 10-15% this year even amid global equity rout on tightening of rates in the U.S., escalating geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and valuations of new-age companies, according to Samir Arora.
Shares of VA Tech Wabag Ltd. jumped the most in eight months after Nomura hiked price target for the sewage and water treatment solutions provider on debt reduction, securing technology-focussed orders and improved operating margin.
Delta Corp. hit its "highest-ever" revenue in the quarter ended December and the casino operator is confident of maintaining the momentum eves as Goa has import curbs to contain rising Covid cases.