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04/30/2021 01:32 PM EDT
Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) retiring could be good news for Republicans, but the coming redistricting process could save Dems. | Anna Moneymaker-Pool/Getty Images
MILESTONE ALERT Today, the White House announced that 100 million Americans almost 40% of U.S. adults have now been fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Fifty-five percent of adults have received at least their first shot.
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With help from Leah Nylen
Editor’s Note: Morning Tech is a free version of POLITICO Pro Technology s morning newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers each morning at 6 a.m. The POLITICO Pro platform combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories.
Since losing both the Electoral College and popular vote to Joe Biden in November s presidential election, Trump has doggedly pushed the bogus narrative that a second term in the White House was stolen from him as a result of mass voter fraud despite his legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani, failing to find any evidence to prove his conspiracy theories and losing more than 60 local court cases in the process.
Having promised his supporters a wild rally in DC to protest against the official certification of the election results in a joint session of Congress, the US president duly riled up the crowd last Wednesday by again refusing to concede and reciting his menu of lies, sparking the chaos that ensued and left five dead.
NBC’s Mike Memoli was called on first after Biden’s fear-mongering speech, asking him four weak questions (with the four being an esoteric allusion to Hunter Biden’s life of corruption (click “expand”):
Thank you, Mr. President-Elect. President Obama once referred to this emerging cyber battlefield as the Wild West. President Trump, in commenting on this most recent breach, said the situation was well under control. Given what you just said about this, that it represents a grave risk, do you believe it also represents an act of war and will you respond in kind, if so?
Why not lay out those kinds of options publicly, though? Isn t part of the issue here deterrence and the fact that Russia felt some immunity if it is, indeed, Russia, to do what they ve done here?
To view past editions of The Hill s 12:30 Report, click here: http://bit.ly/1M1mIfw
To receive The Hill s 12:30 Report in your inbox, please sign up here: http://bit.ly/1Tt4hqN > A midday take on what s happening in politics and how to have a sense of humor about it. Ha. Haha. Hahah. Sniff. Haha. Sniff. Ha breaks down crying hysterically.
The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Pences receive vaccine | Pelosi, McConnell say they will receive vaccine in the next few days | Supreme Court throws out challenge to Trump’s immigrant census plan | Congress poised to blow past funding deadline | Dems treat relief package as ‘down payment’ on a larger bill | GOP disagrees | Biden has no public events today | Anniversary of his wife, daughter’s car accident | Zoom removes time limit for the holidays